Friday, August 21, 2020

Rejects, I feel your pain!

Rejects, I feel your pain! Today I got an email from MIT that directed me to a website which linked to the following letter: Dear Ms. C: I am truly sorry to inform you that we are not offering you admission to MIT in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. The number of applicants for admission to the Graduate School greatly exceeds the number which can be accommodated and it has been necessary to refuse admission to some fine applicants. We appreciate your interest in MIT and sincerely hope that you may be able to continue with your professional studies elsewhere. Sincerely, Stuart Schmill Dean of Admssions Now is no time to despair! Lucky for us, were smart cookies. We applied to more schools than just MIT, thereby opening up more options for us. And since were such smart cookies, weve probably gotten in to some other schools! So whatll it be for me next year? University of Pennsylvania or Cornell University? :) If anyone thinks I should choose one place over the other, let me know It happens to the best of us. Wait until you apply for jobs then you dont even receive a proper rejection you just plain dont hear back. It sort of hurts, and is a bit annoying cant corporations spare the two minutes to write a standard email to send so they couldnt stop waiting, stop hoping, and move on? Which means that, well, you have to handle the waiting/hoping/moving on independently. Like a delicate new relationship, you cant be too clingy on one person/place/thing. Im in a relationship at the moment. If anyone cares to know, MIT has tons of beautiful, charming people with amazing, fascinating personalities. Dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise. :) Back to what I was trying to say before. One rejection does not a big picture make. In other words, theres a bigger world to enjoy! ^__^ (Yes, its still all there.) Honestly, I had been terrified of not getting into any school. But even in that case, all you can do is be prepared; I wouldve tried to find a decent internship or job and applied again the following year. Life takes twists and turns, but even a rejection cant really derail things that badly if you kept sight of the bigger picture. What is your plan?

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